Free online courses from Columbia University

In addition to being one of the most significant research institutions in the world, Free online courses from Columbia UniversityColumbia University offer undergraduate and graduate students a unique and prestigious learning environment in a variety of academic and professional subjects. The university tries to connect its research and instruction to the abundant resources of a major metropolis because it recognizes the significance of its position in New York City.

Free online courses from Columbia University

Teachers College, a graduate school of education affiliated with Free online courses from Columbia University, provides programs in education, health, leadership, and psychology that are consistently ranked among the best in the country. For a list of currently offered courses, visit the TeachersCollegeX course schedule.

Free online courses from Columbia University

Columbia has been a pioneer in higher learning both domestically and internationally for more than 250 years. Our dedication to enlisting and attracting the brightest minds in the search for deeper human knowledge, ground-breaking scientific advancements, and societal service lies at the heart of our broad range of scholarly studies.

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MOOCs from Columbia University

View a selection of free online courses on various topics. The courses from Columbia University listed below can be audited without cost, or students can opt to pay a modest amount to acquire a certified certificate.

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To find out more, choose Free online courses from Columbia University

  • Seeking Women’s Rights
  • Fighting for Equality
  • Frontiers of Science
  • Introduction to Corporate Finance
  • Free Cash Flow Analysis
  • Protecting Children in Humanitarian Settings
  • Crisis Resource Management
  • Indian & Tibetan River of Buddhism
  • Attaining Higher Education
  • Supporting Veteran Success in Higher Education
  • Freedom of Expression and Information in the Time of Globalization

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Some Free online courses from Columbia University

Below are some Free online courses from Columbia University

Seeking Women’s Rights: Colonial Period to the Civil War

Discover how women’s history came to be and how it affected the study of history as a whole. After that, look at what women went through in Colonial America. By asserting that they shared the same individual rights as males, women fought to reduce the restrictions of the family, and we will study how they did it.

Duration 10 weeks
Time per Week2–3 hours per week
PrerequisitesRecommended for those with an undergraduate-level interest in history, labor, and gender.
Seeking Women’s Rights

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Frontiers of Science

The balance between incoming and outgoing energy, which is influenced by a variety of elements such as sunspots, astronomical cycles, and greenhouse gases, determines the Earth’s temperature. In this course, we contrast the current state of the climate with an extensive historical record that spans thousands, if not millions, of years. We also look into the function of feedback loops and why they make climate modeling so difficult.

Duration 6 weeks
Time per Week1–2 hours per week
SubjectEnergy & Earth Sciences
Frontiers of Science

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Fighting for Equality

The Me Too movement’s emergence and an analysis of how the 2018 midterm election signaled the beginning of a new era for women in politics are covered in the final sections of this course, which begins by looking at how the Cold War reinforced the ideals of the suburban, nuclear family and how these ideals affected women’s trajectory towards independence and equality.

Duration 12 weeks
Time per Week2–3 hours per week
PrerequisitesRecommended for those with an undergraduate level interest in history, labor, and gender
Seeking Women’s Rights

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DAAD Scholarships in Germany for Development-Related Postgraduate Courses

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