Foreign artists with a bachelor’s degree and young international researchers with a master’s or doctoral degree are the target audience for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.
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The Swiss Confederation awards Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships every year to promote international travel and scientific cooperation between Switzerland and more than 180 other countries. The organisation that awards the scholarships, the Federal Commission for Scholarships for Foreign Students (FCS), selects the winners.

Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships summary
Host Country | Switzerland |
Host Institute | Swiss cantonal universities |
Level | Arts, Postgraduate, PhD, and Postdocs |
Eligible Nationality | International |
Benefits | Stipend, Living expenses |
Closing Date | Sept-Dec 2023 |
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships for International Students 2024-25
International researchers and students in a variety of subjects can apply for different kinds of Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships. Here is a quick overview of these Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships :
DAAD Scholarships for Master Studies in Germany| Study in Germany
Scholarships for research
Post-graduate researchers in any field who want to relocate to Switzerland to conduct research or pursue post-doctoral or doctoral studies are eligible for the research scholarship (research fellowship, PhD, Postdoc). Research scholarships are available for study or research at all Swiss cantonal universities, universities of applied sciences, two federal institutes of technology, and four research institutions.
The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships are intended for young, international researchers with master’s or doctoral degrees as well as foreign artists with a bachelor’s degree.
- Master’s degree or its equivalent earned prior to July 31, 2024 (ETH Zurich: June 30, 2024). finished degree certificate.
- Candidates must have been born after December 31, 1988.
- A research proposal including a timeframe (PhD candidates).
Documents/Material Required to Apply for Research Scholarships
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships Documents/Material Required to Apply for Research Scholarships
- filled out, typed, and printed the FCS application along with a picture.
- a thorough resume that lists all of your academic achievements and honours.
- a maximum motivating letter of two pages.
- A thorough research proposal for research scholarships that only uses the FCS research proposal form (maximum 5 pages, signed).
- a copy of the letter outlining the academic host professor’s motivation for agreeing to oversee and assist the research at the chosen Swiss university, together with a brief curriculum vitae.
- A brief curriculum vitae of the academic advisor from the home university is also required for research fellowships.
- Furthermore, only at doctoral universities are PhD scholarships available with proof of accepted admission. In any event, a host professor’s endorsement letter is required.
- Two personal recommendation letters from two different instructors
- in the applicant’s field (originals should only be included in sealed envelopes; the FCS reference form should be the only one utilised). For the second set, none.
- copies of degrees, starting with the most recent, together with certifications and grades from institutions and universities previously attended. If not in English, with official translated versions in German, Italian, or French attested. Instead, submit the copies of the certificates.
- a signed medical certificate (use the FCS health certificate form only).
- The applicant’s passport (the page with their personal information) in two copies. Copies of both passports should be included for dual citizens. If applicable, enclose a copy of the resident permit from Switzerland.
Scholarships for PhDs
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
- To let selected applicants work towards a PhD at the Graduate Institute, one of Switzerland’s two federal institutes of technology, or any of the country’s ten cantonal institutions.
- Only relevant to full-time Swiss research projects.
- Postgraduates with advanced degrees who meet the requirements to start a PhD program.
- mostly for scholars who have never been to Switzerland.
Scholarships for Postdocs
- granting admission to selected candidates for a PhD programme at the Graduate Institute, the two federal institutes of technology in Switzerland, or any one of the country’s ten cantonal universities.
- Only valid for inhabitants of Switzerland who work full-time as researchers.
- Only valid for inhabitants of Switzerland who work full-time as researchers.
- Highly qualified early-career postdoctoral scientists, primarily for investigators who haven’t lived in Switzerland before
- PhD degree earned after December 31, 2020, and before July 31, 2024, with the exception of ETH Zurich, which must do so by June 30, 2024. earned PhD degree certificate.
- a timetable for the proposed research project.
- A letter from the academic host professor, together with a brief CV, is required.
Art Bursaries
- Art scholarships are available to those who wish to study art and obtain their first master’s degree in the arts in Switzerland.
- Students may be eligible for art grants from any Swiss conservatory or art university.
- This award is only available to students who are citizens of a few chosen countries.
Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships eligibility
- Must have earned a bachelor’s degree or its equivalent by July 31, 2024. completed certificate of degree.
- A candidate’s birthdate must be earlier than December 31, 1988.
- Rejects all applications for a second master’s degree.
Documents/Material Required to Apply for Arts and Music Scholarships Documents
- 1) Completed, typed, and printed application for FCS with a photograph.
- 2) A comprehensive CV containing a list of exhibits, performances, prizes, etc.
- 3) A motivational letter (maximum 2 pages) outlining your motivations for attending school in Switzerland, the value of this decision to your future professional goals, as well as your professional projects after receiving the scholarship.
- 4) A research proposal is not required from candidates seeking arts fellowships.
- 4a) Musicians should:
- If the music includes interpreters and directors, provide a high-quality file of three different musical genres (USB memory stick, CD/DVD, link, or QR-Code labeled with name, surname, and country). Scores are provided by the composers.
- 4b) For painters, graphic designers, and sculptors: Copies or images of three pieces of their work, as well as preliminary sketches (include dates of creation; label work with name, surname, and country).
- 4c) For other artists (such as actors, dancers, and authors): examples of their work (USB memory stick, CD/DVD, or link with a QR-Code or name, surname, and country labeled).
- 5) evidence that “admission is under consideration” at the desired Conservatory of Fine Arts or Music in Switzerland.
- This could take the form of a conditional acceptance subject to passing an entrance exam or meeting other prerequisites.
- a copy of the professor’s note certifying that the studies were supervised, if relevant.
- 6) Two private letters of recommendation from two distinct professors in the applicant’s field (only the FCS reference form should be used; the first set should only include originals in sealed envelopes). None for the second set.
- 7) Copies of diplomas with grades and certificates from previously attended colleges and universities, commencing with the most recent. if not, then in English, French, Italian, or German with official authorized translations in English that have been attested. Submit the copies of the certificates instead. Only initial master’s degree applications are accepted.
- 8) A medical certificate that has been signed (only use the FCS health certificate form).
- 9) Two duplicates of the applicant’s passport (the page containing their personal information). Dual citizens should include copies of both passports. Include a copy of the Swiss residency permit if appropriate.
Benefits of Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships
Recipients of the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships not only receive financial support but also have the opportunity to become members of the nation’s research community and have access to its elite research institutes and institutions. The Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships money covers only the living expenses of one recipient.
- The scholarship comes with a monthly payment of CHF 1,920. For postdocs, the grant includes a monthly payment of CHF 3,500.
- Housing stipend. With the first grant payment, all scholarship recipients get a lump sum payment of CHF 300 to assist with covering a portion of the housing deposit.
- Artists’ tuition and master fees.
- health coverage.
- travel costs
- Experiments
The deadline for submitting applications for Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships varies depending on the nation.
Application Procedure
Choose your birth nation by consulting the details on your passport. Find out what your country’s deadlines, application requirements, and available scholarship categories are. Scholarship applications should be made to the relevant national institution in your place of origin or the Swiss Embassy.
Applications are to be filed in the nationality or place of origin of the applicant. The Swiss Embassy in the applicant’s native country is usually the designated contact for applications to the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarship. Holders of dual citizenship are free to submit their applications anywhere.
Applications must be sent to the appropriate national organization and/or the Swiss diplomatic mission located in the applicant’s country of origin to be considered for a preliminary selection. The Swiss diplomatic mission will thereafter transmit the preselected applications to the FCS for final selection. If your present country of residency is not your country of origin, please submit your application to the Swiss diplomatic office in your country of origin.
Visit HERE to learn more and submit an application for the Swiss Government Excellence Scholarships.
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